Briana Thomas and Trayona Lawrence, discussing the symbolism of the novel The Great Gatsby. 

Briana Thomas and Trayona Lawrence, discussing the symbolism of the novel The Great Gatsby. 


APRIL 22, 2014.  On May 8th, 2014, Tech Prep students will take the Advanced Placement Literature and Composition Exam for the first time. There will be three analytical essays—a total of 2 hours for all three (suggested time 40 minutes each). The students have been reading independent and shared texts, so that they can have at least 8 texts to use for their free response essays. The students have also analyzed poetry, had classroom discussions, and broken down difficult texts. In class students have also compared film versions to actual novels and acted out two highly rigorous plays—Hedda Gabler and Oedipus Rex, followed by a heated discussion, where the class became divided on their views of the characters.

They’ve taken practice exams and prepared rigorously so that they can be able to conquer the AP exam and receive college credit for their hard work and dedication. The FNN Tech Prep Bureau would like to wish all of the AP students good luck on the AP exam and we’d also like to give a special shout out to the AP English Literature and Composition teacher, Ms. Jennifer Poisson, for her hard work and dedication to her students.

Honorable mention to current AP English Literature and Composition students who passed the AP World History exam last year:

Eric M. King

Trayona D. J. Lawrence

Briana J. Thomas

Trayona Lawrence is a junior at Friendship Tech Prep Academy.